Hi! My name is
Software Engineer at Atlassian, in the OpsGenie team. Certified in Android Development and Machine Learning. Researching in Social Network Information Diffusion and skilled with Data Structures and Algorithms. Currently exploring competitive programming and loves statistics

Work Experience

Royal Bank of Scotland

Selected from among 300+ applicants on college Placement Department. Delivered an Android Application and improved the existing Conversational AI.

  • Deep Learning: TensorFlow and Keras: Speech Synthesis and improvement of AI Assistant: Ask-Archie
  • AGILE Software Development: SRS, HLSD: Awarded as one of the “Best Interns” among 21 interns nationwide
  • Amazon Web Services: MapReduce, Polly, EC2, S3, IAM, “Intern Project” (1 MB) Play Store, 6-week
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Department of IT

Android Application for field assessment strengthening E-Governance:

  • Problem Statement: Reduce paper usage: Develop an Android Application for Field Reporting
  • Authentication (OAuth 2.0): Give evidence of visit to the Supervisor: Provide Feedback
  • Volley, Image Sharing, Retrofit, Room, SQLite: Firebase Cloud Messaging
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Indian Council of Medical Research

Business Interface and Data processing internship during December 2018

  • Data Analysis: Data Preprocessing of over 1.3 million data points regarding Antimicrobial Resistance
  • Infant Mortality Forms: District Healthcare Information System 2 (DHIS2): Interface from UNICEF
  • Software Development: CSV records to DHIS2 Data Elements: Python: Selenium Scripting IDE
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Untouched World Foundation

Represented India along with Aditya(Student, CS) and Dr. Rahul(Big Data, Associate Professor) for 21 Days

  • Leader of group: 6 members from China, Switzerland, Philippines, and New Zealand
  • Presented solutions mitigating flooding of Wakatipu Lake using level sensors to Queenstown Lakes Council
  • Designed Trash Racks for Alexandra: 3 Proposals through developing an Augmented Reality application
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Projects and Achievements

Research in Social Networks
Identification of Influential Spreaders in Social Networks using Improved Hybrid Rank Method and Information Diffusion In Online Social Networks Using SEI Epidemic Model research published in Elsevier Procedia Computer Science Journal
Python, APIs, Graphs Go to project 
Android Applications
Useful productivity applications built using Java, Kotlin in Android Studio
Kotlin, Java Go to project 
ACM-ICPC 2018 Amritapuri Regionals
Among Top 7 teams of college to qualify for on-site contest across 4 locations and rated Expert on Codeforces: best global rank #207 from 11000+ participantsand rated 5 stars on Hackerrank
C++, Competitive Go to project 

Designed by Amen Tyagi

Developed by Nipun Aggarwal